"Have not a dry thread on" nghĩa là gì?

Nhễ nhại mồ hôi. Photo by Fabio Pelegrino from Pexels

"Have not a dry thread on one" nghĩa là ướt sạch, ướt như chuột lột.

Ví dụ
I prayed in an agony (đau đớn) all night, expecting to be in hell before morning, and sweated to that degree that I believe I had not a dry thread on me.

I was so cold and numb (tê cóng) that I could not tell... that I had any feet at all. We started this morning at sunrise and did not get to camp until after dark, and there was not one dry thread on one of us—not even my babe.

In swimming to the shore, and coming on the broken pieces of the ship, we must supose that they were sadly wet, that they had not a dry thread on them ; and, as if that were not enough, to complete the deluge (đại hồng thủy), waters from above met those from below, and it rained so hard.

Both his legs were shattered (gãy) by a Minie ball, and he has lain in the same position since Saturday, with nothing but a little soup, and had not a dry thread on him. I helped him to food and some brandy (rượu mạnh) from the Christian Commission tent, as soon as opened; and I doubt if to this hour his wounds have been dressed. 

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