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công nghệ có ba dạng: công cụ, hướng dẫn cụ thể, và kiến thức quá trình (process knowledge),

process knowledge quan trọng nhất, vì khó viết thành lời: cũng như có thể cho ai đó công thức nấu ăn, bếp xịn, mà ko có kinh nghiệm nấu ăn thì cũng ko thế có món tuyệt ngon được,

cứ mỗi thế hệ, nhật bản lại tháo dỡ hoàn toàn đền Ise rồi xây dựng lại để ko quên cách xây,

báo cáo năm 2009 cho biết chính phủ mỹ quên cách sản xuất/tạo ra "Fogbank", tài liệu mật để chế tạo bom hydro, và cuối cùng phải mất nhiều triệu đô-la để lấy lại kiến thức này, 
My essay How Technology Grows argues that technological capabilities ought to be represented in the form of an experienced workforce. We should distinguish technology in three forms: tools, direct instructions (like blueprints and IP), and process knowledge. The third is most important: "Process knowledge is hard to write down as an instruction: you can give someone a well-equipped kitchen and an extraordinarily detailed recipe, but absent cooking experience, it's hard to make a great dish."

We should think of technology as a living product, which has to be practiced for knowledge even to be maintained at its current level. I offered the example of the Ise Grand Shrine, which Japanese caretakers tear down and rebuild anew every generation so that they don't lose its production knowledge. Here's an example I came across more recently: Mother Jones reported in 2009 that the US government forgot how to produce "Fogbank," a classified material essential to the production of the hydrogen bomb, because relevant experts had retired. The government then had to spend millions of dollars to recover that production knowledge. I believe that the hard-to-measure process knowledge is more important than more easily observable tools and IP. We would be capable of making few meaningful advancements if a civilization from 2,000 years in the future were able to dump blueprints on us, just as the Pharaohs and Caesars from 2,000 years in the past would have been able to do nothing with the blueprints of today.

Tags: technology

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