Chẳng tốt đẹp gì đâu

trợ cấp của chính phủ cho nông dân tăng mạnh,

thu nhập bình quân một hộ gia đình nông dân ở Mỹ đã tăng 24% từ năm 2018 (lên tới gần 90k usd), gấp rưỡi thu nhập bình quân của toàn nước Mỹ.

-> trump mua phiếu thôi
I did a recent post discussing Trump’s payroll tax cut (not authorized by Congress), which begins two months before the election. Yesterday, the CDC said we should prepare for a vaccine rollout two days before the election. (Perhaps justified, but the timing is suspicious (đáng nghi).) Meanwhile Trump is splashing money (vung tiền) on farmers who don’t need it:

Farmers in the US are in line for record handouts (trợ cấp kỷ lục) from Washington this year, sparking (gợi lên, làm nhen nhóm lên, lóe lên) accusations (buộc tội, kết án) that Donald Trump is trying to buy the agricultural vote ahead of the November election. . . .

The surge (sự tăng mạnh) in government support for farmers comes as Mr Trump’s presidential campaign attempts to pull off a string of victories in November in farm states such as Iowa, Ohio and Wisconsin, which helped propel him to the White House in 2016.

Neil Hamilton, a professor specialising in agricultural law at Drake University in Iowa, said: “It’s an amazingly egregious (quá xá, đại, chí) example of vote-buying.” . . .

Median income for farm households has increased by 24 per cent since 2018 to $89,674, reversing a trend of declining income, “largely because of increases in government payments to farm operations”, the ERS said.

Bài trước: Trump sai rồi
Tags: economics

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