"I gave at the office" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Joel Muniz

"I gave at the office" = tôi đóng ở công ty rồi -> nghĩa là từ chối đóng quỹ, nộp từ thiện.

Ví dụ
In 2018, saying "I gave at the office" is becoming different than it was 10 years ago. Corporate giving programs, in which employees raise funds or contribute to charities, are changing in the digital age.

As for his own future, Gore made clear in the AP interview that his days in government remain finished. “I’m not looking for any job,” he quipped. “I gave at the office.” Gore’s public profile, both during his long political career and since, has been defined by his advocacy on environmental issues (vấn đề môi trường) and the climate crisis (khủng hoảng khí hậu).

Part of being an individualist, however, is that we live within communities and have duties towards our fellow travelers. According to most longstanding religions, all of us are called as individuals to help our neighbors. Each of us is responsible for freely and responsibly using our resources and our talents to find creative ways to succor (giúp đỡ, cứu trợ) those in need. I consider this a much higher standard of morality (chuẩn mực đạo đức), as all too many of us figure, “Well, I gave at the office or through my taxes.”

Ka Tina
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