"In a state of flux" nghĩa là gì?

Style Photo by Gratisography

"In a (constant) state of flux" nghĩa là trong tình trạng thay đổi (liên tục), không ổn định.

Ví dụ
These include strategy and inventory planning, finance options and discounts, as the pandemic has put everything in a state of flux.

Communities on both sides of American Street are in a state of flux. For decades they’ve been poor and economically disadvantaged (bất lợi kinh tế), but in recent years grassroots revitalization (tái sinh) efforts have been overtaken by Philadelphia’s hot development scene

The world seems to be in a state of flux at the moment, there seems to be unrest (lo âu) and unhappiness where ever we look but let it not blind us to the many brilliant and heroic achievements that are still happening, like the eradication (xóa bỏ) of polio (bệnh bại liệt), which has killed and maimed (làm tàn tật) humankind ever since man first appeared on earth.

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