"In the round" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Frederick Tubiermont on Unsplash

"In the round" nghĩa là nhìn thấy từ mọi phía (sân khấu dạng vòng cung, khán giả quây xung quanh hoặc tác phẩm điêu khắc dựng đứng có thể nhìn thấy từ mọi phía thay vì chạm khắc nổi trên mặt đất). Nếu nói "show something in the round" là nêu rõ tất cả những đường nét của một cái gì, nêu bật vấn đề gì.

Ví dụ
They say that no one truly sees his own face. This mercy of nature comes from the fact that reflections in the mirror show partial pictures which are flat: they cannot show an object in the round.

John Simm is such a good actor. I saw him in Hamlet and Betrayal by Pinter at the Crucible in Sheffield. A small stage, theatre in the round and my God he owned it. Real hairs on your neck standing up performances. Philip Glenister is hard to beat too.

Theatre in the round is one of the most primitive (ban sơ) forms of drama. The street performer will draw around him a circle of spectators (khán giả) and the sophistication (tinh vi) of his act can be judged by his ability to engage the attention of all his audience without favour.

So why would anyone want to perform plays in the round? Theatre in the round has a wonderful sense of theatricality (tính chất sân khấu) about it. Since everyone in the audience can see others in the audience across the stage, the event takes on an energized, almost circus-like atmosphere that can serve some plays very well.

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