"In the short haul" nghĩa là gì?

Trên những cung đường đầy sỏi đá. Photo by Ivan from Pexels

"In/over the short haul" nghĩa là trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn, trước mắt hoặc đoạn đường ngắn.

Ví dụ
This report represents the second of two reports concerned with the study of demand and supply (cung và cầu) in short haul air transportation (vận tải hàng không).

In the short haul, we can recycle programs, repeat sermons (bài giảng), re-teach classes, draw from our knowledge bank, and, at least for those who are served, it seems new.

Eighteen of the 22 haulers (người chuyên chở) in the short-haul group traveled 150 miles or less in their hauling operations while only 8 of the short-haul group were in this category.

Over the short haul, as you get closer to retirement you need to convert to cash equivalents (tương đương), such as money market accounts, because stock values (giá trị cổ phiếu) run the risk of short-term slumps (sụt giảm).

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