Nước Pháp ở tình trạng báo động

mòng biển tấn công ireland rồi...
FLOODING, FLYING ants and giant rats. 

There’s rarely a dull moment in Ireland these days. 

So, reports of “extremely aggressive” seagulls (mòng biển; người ngờ nghệch, cả tin) not only stealing food (ăn cắp thức ăn) but also spreading (lan truyền, truyền bá) harmful bacteria (vi khuẩn có hại) is probably par for the course in these increasingly biblical (kinh thánh) times.

Pest control provider Rentokil has issued a warning for the public to beware of gulls this month. 

August is a particular testing time for adult seagulls everywhere, with many looking after chicks (tìm con cái) which are beginning to grow but not yet able to leave the nest (chưa thể rời tổ). 

It’s a situation that results in many being extra protective of their young charges.  
Tags: ireland

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