"It just so happens" nghĩa là gì?

Gì cơ? Ngạc nhiên thật đấy! Photo by Elizaveta Dushechkina from Pexels

"It just so happens (that)" nghĩa là chuyện xảy ra một cách đáng ngạc nhiên. Thường nói về sự thật gây kinh ngạc.

Ví dụ
It just so happens that I start my working life on the 3rd of January 1950 in Bulawayo in the central telephone exchange building on Main Street. 

It's really not a left and right matter. All the BLM movement wants black lives to matter as much as the rest. It just so happens that Donald Trump is a racist and sexist right winged (cánh hữu) president.

I have some anti democrat (chống dân chủ) posts in there as well but it just so happens that this current administration has been an absolute clown show and is spouting propaganda (tuyên truyền) left and right. Just last night they used the White House, the people’s building, to push ridiculous lies.

The Testroderm was prescribed (kê đơn) by him, and it just so happens he's a slimeball proctologist (bác sĩ chuyên về trực tràng, hậu môn) in Charlotte, where Shandy Snook is from. And it just so happens that her father was a patient of this proctologist, which would suggest Shandy knows him and is able to get prescriptions when she wants them.

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