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kfc bỏ câu khẩu hiệu "liếm tay ngon lắm" rồi (vì dịch covid-19)... :))

Several months after health officials (giới chức y tế) recommended everyone stop touching their faces to help stop the spread of coronavirus, KFC said Monday that the 64-year-old slogan "doesn't feel quite right."

"We find ourselves in a unique situation (tình huống đặc biệt) — having an iconic slogan (khẩu hiệu mang tính biểu tượng) that doesn't quite fit in the current environment," said Catherine Tan-Gillespie, global chief marketing officer at KFC in a statement. The menu isn't changing and the company said the slogan will return when the "time is right."

To be clear, Monday's announcement is a marketing campaign. A clever one, perhaps, with good intentions baked into it ... but a marketing campaign nonetheless.

Bài trước: Dude
Tags: health

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