"Lost and gone forever" nghĩa là gì?

Cầm trên tay nhưng cứ đi tìm. Photo by João Jesus from Pexels

"Lost and gone forever" nghĩa là biến mất, ra đi mãi mãi, không thể quay lại.

Ví dụ
But my first day in London, it had been stolen from me by a cutthroat (kẻ giết người) while I was unconscious, and I had thought it lost and gone forever.

The big square rooms echoed with emptiness—something was missing, lost, and gone forever. It would never be the same family house again. Sammy and her twin brothers played happily in the garden as children without any cares or worries.

A: "Did you find your keys?"
B: "Not yet. I have, however, found other stuff that I thought lost and gone forever, and also plenty of stuff that would be no great loss if it were lost and gone forever."

I feel the past dropping away an inch behind me, a dark wind sucking coldly at my ears, yanking (giật mạnh) on the shorthairs of the back of my neck, gurgling (tiếng ríu rít) like a suffocating (nghẹt thở) eightyear-old boy. Yesterday is not yesterday, it is lost and gone forever, collapsed, rotten, moaning in the graveyard.

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