"Mention something in passing" nghĩa là gì?

Tiền ảo giá trị thật? Photo by Raul Marcel Olivera

"Mention (something) in passing" nghĩa là đề cập qua một vấn đề, hoặc tình cờ nhắc đến.

Ví dụ
I was listening to the news the other morning, about the lifting (dỡ bỏ) of the lockdown in County Kildare. It was mentioned in passing the Kildare has a population of 250,000. Now isn’t that a big pick to choose a team from in a football mad county? 

Bitcoin has frequently been lambasted (chỉ trích nặng nề) for its energy-intensive (tiêu tốn năng lượng) mining (khai thác) process. Two years ago, Nature Climate Change warned that Bitcoin mining alone could push global warming over the 2ºC catastrophic threshold (ngưỡng cửa thảm họa) in just 14 years if adoption rates matched those by other broadly used technologies. Two years down the line, all the blame has shifted to fossil fuels as the shift to renewable energy and the ESG drive continue to gain momentum, while Bitcoin and cryptocurrency (tiền ảo) mining hardly get a passing mention.

The researchers hypothesise (giả thuyết rằng) that this happens because elite (ưu tú) controllers – who are known to have particularly efficient anti-HIV immune responses (phản ứng miễn dịch) – selectively pick off cells (chọn lọc tế bào) that contain HIV DNA that is in active areas, leaving only the dead seeds of infection (lây nhiễm). Excitingly – and they only mention this in passing – they have seen the same thing happening, at a lower level, in a few people who have been on antiretroviral therapy (điều trị ARV) for years. This suggests that we have been too pessimistic (bi quan) about how long it might take for the reservoir (nguồn chứa) of cells capable of producing HIV to dry up (cạn kiện). 

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