Vẫn nhớ mang theo điện thoại là được rồi

ga Peckham Rye hỗn loạn vì bà mẹ trẻ rời tàu quên con... :D

Station staff took the baby - said to be in a pram (xe đẩy trẻ con) - off the Victoria to Dartford train at the following stop.

The panicked (hoảng sợ, yếu bóng vía, hoang mang sợ hãi) mother frantically (điên cuồng, điên rồ) called South Eastern Railways to warn them she had forgotten her child.

They were reunited after she came back to collect her baby and are said to be "safe and well".

But shocked travellers questioned how the mum could forget to take her child off the train.

Bài trước: Trái tim thông minh
Tags: parenting


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