"Now that you mention it" nghĩa là gì?

Tìm đọc cuốn sách được giới thiệu. Photo by Maggie Zhan from Pexels

"Now (that) you mention it" nghĩa là nhân tiện bạn đang nhắc đến nó; nhận ra điều ai đó đang nói.

Ví dụ
“The strongest response by far came from the Mayor (thị trưởng) of Danbury himself. A sewer plant (xưởng máy may)? “I didn’t know that I wanted my name on your [explictive] factory, but now that you mention it, it’s all that I want!” 

A: "Why does this look like a commerical (quảng cáo) for something?"
B: "Now that you mention it I’m really getting Nonsensical Fragrance Ad vibes but he’s a dirty medieval peasant (nhà quê thời trung cổ) so like it’s eau de pigshit."

GE was also thinking that the cladding (tấm ốp) would permit other uses for the interior (phần trong) of the Space Frame. They were probably not thinking about the Gravitricity system, but now that you mention it, the two seem tailor-made (thiết kế riêng) for each other.

Lupita Reads is a bookstagrammer (thành viên của cộng đồng những người yêu thích đọc sách trên Instagram) and a books blogger and she recommended this one. It’s a memoir (hồi ký) about a complicated parent. I love a book about a complicated parent. I am a complicated parent, now that you mention it.

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