"Queer the pitch" nghĩa là gì?

Đố anh bắt được em! Photo courtesy: Peter Miller

"Queer the pitch" có từ "queer" tiếng lóng là làm hỏng = làm hỏng đường ném bóng -> làm hỏng kế hoạch, công việc hoặc thành công của người khác. Cụm từ này thường được sử dụng bởi người Anh.

Ví dụ
In informal consultations (hội ý), several UNSC members took a dim (mập mờ) view of Pakistan’s effort to queer the pitch and use the UNSC to achieve their political objectives in cooperation with mentor, China.

Meanwhile, Stroll reckoned (tính toán) his chances of raising a decent amount of money were strong in Spa, saying that he felt the track would suit the team’s RP20 this weekend – although he added that an unsettled forecast could queer the pitch for the teams over Saturday and Sunday.

The outbreak of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic has queered the pitch for seamless continuity (liên tục) in operations of 21 iron ore (quặng sắt), manganese and chromite mines in Odisha. The state government had recently auctioned these blocks whose leases are expected to expire by March 31, 2020.

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