"Revenge myself on" nghĩa là gì?

Trả thù không giải quyết được vấn đề đâu anh bạn. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

"Revenge (oneself) (up)on (someone or something)" nghĩa là trả thù ai. "Revenge oneself for something" là trả thù vì điều gì.

Ví dụ
I am going to be born again as a Sikh after nine months and I wil revenge myself upon you. Your justice is a fraud (lừa dối).

Revenge? Revenge myself on one who has always done all she can to prove herself my best friend? No—I only wish to prove to you that you once judged me ill. What reason can I have for revenge?

I had an old cent in my pocket, the only money I possessed, and, as David chose a stone and a sling (dây) to make war upon Goliath , so I selected this single coin to revenge myself on the curator (người quản lý).

“Even if this horrible thing were true,” he said, “why should you seek to revenge yourself upon me? You deserted (bỏ rơi) her. She had every reason to believe that you were dead. When I first knew her she told me of her former marriage. She honestly believed you dead."

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