"Seek vengeance upon" nghĩa là gì?

Cây càng lâu năm càng linh thiêng. Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

"Seek vengeance upon (someone)" hoặc "seek revenge (against/on someone or something)" nghĩa là tìm cách trả thù ai.

Ví dụ
In addition, do not pee on trees because this is thought to anger tree spirits, which will seek vengeance upon the person who does the peeing.

He needs to reconnect with the love of his life but the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and King John have other plans and seek vengeance for the past indignities (sỉ nhục) that Robin visited upon them.

Antonio Banderas's star rose back in 1995 with the release of "Desperado." The action film saw him starring as a mariachi (nhạc sĩ) seeking revenge on a drug lord (trùm ma túy), with Salma Hayek also headlining. This movie is currently streaming on Tubi. 

They try to sexually assault (tấn công tình dục) Ruhi and in an attempt to save her Vikrant gets killed by him. Mahir Sehgal enters the scene and snatches (giật lấy) the gun from Yuvraj’s hand and thus Ruhi suspects (nghi ngờ) Mahir as the murderer. Distraught Ruhi returns as Bela to seek vengeance upon Vikrant’s murderer and marries Mahir.

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