Vậy là tham gia giải chạy được rồi

các nhà khoa học phát hiện ra ít nhất 11 loài cá có thể... đi bộ :D

The findings are based on CT scans and a new evolutionary map (bản đồ tiến hóa mới) of the hillstream loach (cá chạch) family, which includes the only living fish species caught in the act of walking: a rare, blind cavefish known as Cryptotora thamicola, or the cave angel fish. Pinpointing which species of hillstream loaches have walking capabilities can help scientists piece together how the first land-walking vertebrates (động vật có xương sống) might have come to be.

In a new study, researchers from the Florida Museum of Natural History, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Louisiana State University and Maejo University in Thailand analyzed (phân tích) the bone structure (cấu trúc xương) of nearly 30 hillstream loach species, describing for the first time three categories of pelvic (khung xương chậu) shapes. Based on the shape of the bone that connects some loaches' spines to their pelvic fins, the team found that 10 other species of loach shared the cave angel fish's unusually hefty pelvic girdle (thắt lưng, vành đai).

Tags: science


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