"Snap to attention" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Luemen Carlson on Unsplash

"Snap to attention" nghĩa là nhanh chóng chú ý, nhanh chóng vào tư thế nghiêm (quân đội).

Ví dụ

Soldiers snap to attention but instead of saluting they T Pose.

The men snap to attention and salute, “Heil Hitler!” The room is suddenly alive with activity as the officers gather their maps and papers.

Im talking missing games. Like probably won’t happen but how many people would snap to attention if they can’t watch ball on Saturday/Sunday’s.

While engaged in a routine task such as driving, we let our minds gather wool (tập trung), then suddenly snap to attention only to find that we have lost minutes or even hours in reverie (mơ màng), with no memory at all of what happened in the meanwhile.

Bài trước: "Rivet your attention" nghĩa là gì?

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