"Too posh to push" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Amit Gaur on Unsplash

"Too posh to push" = quá sang trọng/"tiểu thư đài các" để đẩy ra -> nghĩa là người phụ nữ không chịu được cơn đau từ việc đẻ thường nên phải chuyển qua đẻ mổ. 
Ví dụ
Both elective (không cấp thiết) c-section (mổ lấy thai) and emergency c-sections... The stories that were coming from those women is that they would just feel this need to defend against this label that they were "too posh to push".

It was mad finding out, and we’d been trying last year, but it’s worked out perfectly. I’m going to do a gender reveal party in September, but I have a feeling it’s a boy. I’m petrified of the labour, and was thinking about a Caesarean, but I’m not too posh to push!

And then there’s the idea that if you don’t want to give birth vaginally (qua đường âm đạo), because you’re scared, because you’ve got medical concerns, because you just don’t want to because let’s face it, it doesn’t sound like the most fun way to spend a weekend, then you’re ’too posh to push.

Ngọc Lân

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