"Wouldn't be seen dead" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

"Wouldn't be seen dead" = không muốn thấy bị chết -> nghĩa là không bao giờ (làm điều đang được nhắc tới).

Ví dụ
As for other role models, I admire (ngưỡng mộ) any person of colour really: Mary Seacole, Nelson Mandela, Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi. But I’m a little tired of being described as the ‘modern-day Rosa Parks’. For one thing, I wouldn’t be seen dead on public transport.

I wouldn’t be seen dead without make-up. After I’ve washed my face in the morning, make-up is the essential (quan trọng). I don’t feel me without it, and I have to feel me somehow.

Personally, I wouldn’t be seen dead in a face mask and from tomorrow will be resisting (chống đối) the imposition (áp đặt) to wear one. Before you think ‘here goes another civil libertarian nutjob’ let me immediately state that the argument against personal liberty in favour of masking up is redundant.

The other day I drove across town to a friend’s place and when I pulled up he said, deadpan: “I wouldn’t be seen dead in a car like that.” Seriously? I’m thinking “what’s wrong with a middle-aged bloke (gã) like me driving a bright yellow Beetle?” but he was not a fan.

Ngọc Lân

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