"You and who else" nghĩa là gì?

Có tôi đây, anh bạn. Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

"You and who else?" hoặc "you and what army?" nghĩa là người theo phe của bạn đâu, người hỗ trợ của bạn đâu,.. tỏ ý thách thức, khinh thường trước sự đe dọa của đối phương.

Ví dụ
These kinds of comments terrify the deep state. Go on, try to steal the election. We dare you. It’s high time we Andrew Jackson this shit. Ask the media: “you and what army”.

“You might say I rescued the old fart (cổ hủ, lạc hậu) from the clutches (nanh vuốt) of the Overlord not far from here.” 
Regaining my composure (bình tĩnh), I snapped in a cocky (vênh váo) tone, “Rescued? That's rich. You and who else?” 

“You don't have to do this to impress me,” Tate muttered (lẩm bẩm) looking up at him.
“I'm covered.” 
Frowning slightly (khẽ cau mày), “How?” 
“You and what army is going to take us on?” One of the drunks asked as two more men stepped forward. Tate began to panic (hoảng loạn).

“You and what army?” Carson asked with a sly (ranh mãnh) smile. 
I scoffed (chế giễu). “Me and what army? This army!” I gestured around me, only when I glanced around, no one was there. I spun toward the front door, expecting my allies (đồng minh) to back me up, expecting Sharon, Noah, Liana, and Christina to walk through the door and tell me everything would be alright. My eyes only met a solid wall. The door was gone.

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