"At a rate of knots" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels

"At a rate (of knots)" nghĩa là rất nhanh.

Ví dụ
As the main series of The Walking Dead moves towards its conclusion, spin-offs (phim ăn theo) keep popping up at quite a rate of knots. 

For the first time I regretted not having anyone to push me on, as my own motivation (động lực) was vanishing (biến mất) at a rate of knots.

Nobody can understand whether the UK government is determined to crash out with No Deal or is playing a tactical (chiến thuật) game designed to obtain what they believe to be the best deal possible. Trust is being burned at a rate of knots. 

In this case, however, Kissinger was more honest, perhaps because he was less pleased by the policy. In a background discussion (chỉ thị bí mật) with reporters on the way to Midway, Kissinger said that Vietnamization (Việt Nam hóa chiến tranh) could help if it placed before Hanoi the specter (bóng ma) of an opponent that would grow stronger. "If, however, we withdraw (rút quân) at a rate that gives Hanoi the feeling that we are really just looking for an excuse to get out, then it will thwart (cản trở) negotiations, because they will just sit there and wait." 

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