“Be hoist with his own petard” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Dan Meyers

“Be hoist with (one's) own petard” có petard là bộc phá để phá cửa -> cụm từ này nghĩa là tự mình mắc vào bẫy mình đặt; gậy ông đập lưng ông.

Ví dụ
For years, Mr. Modi has won crucial support from moderates and the middle class by projecting himself as India’s “economic messiah,” said Sumantra Bose, a political scientist at the London School of Economics. And if the economy can’t pull itself out of a nose dive, Mr. Bose added, “the messiah may be hoist with his own petard.”

“In the end it is her animosity (hận thù), frenetic (điên cuồng), irrational (mất lý trí) and baseless actions against this president that will ultimately hoist her on her own petard,” she continued. “And might I add, no one deserves it more.”

Mr Kuten, I get it that Christians are anathema (đáng nguyền rủa, nghê tởm) to you. That's okay. No harm done. Your vindictiveness (tính chất hận thù) is only words, and words don't kill. People do. But beware of the hate speech mantra. As a self-appointed crusader "to call out especially those leaders who would divide us", you are being hoist with your own petard.

Ka Tina

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