"Comedy equals tragedy plus time" nghĩa là gì?

"Comedy equals tragedy plus time" -> nghĩa là thời gian trôi qua thì bi kịch/khó khăn đều có thể trở thành chuyện cười. 

Ví dụ
Notice the absurdities (điều vô lý) of our world. What would an alien find illogical? (Hence the viral meme of a packed Dorset beach in June with speech bubbles floating from the dense crowds. “Mummy. Am I going to school tomorrow?” “No son. It’s not safe.”)What’s irrational about you? What makes you angry, frightened, envious, embarrassed? Use your moments of pain, too. There’s a saying: “Comedy equals tragedy, plus time.”

“The formula (công thức) for comedy is, comedy equals tragedy plus time,” Regan said. “Some people feel we haven’t had enough time yet, but I think you can shorten the length of time before something can be funny.

Comedy equals tragedy plus time. It's an old adage that's rarely been better illustrated (minh họa) than in Ok, Let's Do Your Stupid Idea, an intelligent entertaining new collection of essays by the award-winning Irish Times feature writer Patrick Freyne.

We’ve all heard the old saying: comedy equals tragedy plus time. And comedians (diễn viên hài) often describe comedy as therapy (phương thuốc). I never quite understood that until now. All I saw was a bunch of angry, ranty comedians turning audiences into their therapists instead of going to a professional like we all should be doing anyway. 

Ngọc Lân

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