Biết đâu là điểm dừng

dự án đầu tư không hiệu quả, tư nhân sẽ phủi ngay, hạn chế lỗ vốn, còn nhà nước, cố chứng minh mình đúng, càng trợ cấp càng đốt thêm tiền thuế của dân thôi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from pages 73-74 of the 2016 Third Edition of James D. Gwartney’s, Richard L. Stroup’s, Dwight R. Lee’s, Tawni H. Ferrarini’s, and Joseph P. Calhoun’s excellent Common Sense Economics:

In a world of uncertainty (bất định), mistaken (sai lầm trong ý kiến) investments (khoản đầu tư) are a necessary price that must be paid (cái giá cần thiết phải trả) for with fruitful innovations in new technologies and products. Such counterproductive projects, however, must be recognized and brought to a halt. In a market economy, the capital market performs this function. If a firm continues to experience losses, eventually (cuối cùng, rốt cuộc) investors (nhà đầu tư) will terminate the project (dừng dự án) and stop wasting their money.

Given the pace of change and the diversity of entrepreneurial talent, the knowledge required for sound decision-making about the allocation of capital is far beyond the scope of any single leader, industrial planning committee, or government agency. Without a private capital market, there is no mechanism that can be counted on to consistently channel investment funds into wealth-creating projects.

Bài trước: Thật kiêu ngạo
Tags: economics

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