"Dispense with the formalities" nghĩa là gì?

"Dispense with the formalities" -> nghĩa là miễn lễ, bỏ qua các nghi thức hoặc chuẩn mực xã hội vì vấn đề quan trọng hơn đã nắm chắc trong tay rồi.

Ví dụ
A bid to open a world-leading tourist attraction in the borough centred around the hit TV phenomenon Game of Thrones will pass its final hurdle (chướng ngại) next week. Both will go to a sitting of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planning committee, where councillors will be eager to dispense with the formalities and propel the process forward. The two applications will be rubber-stamped; one pertains to the actual state-of-the-art attraction and all it entails, while the other is for the development of a separate park and ride facility at a different location, to enable the hundreds of thousands of visitors annually to be ferried to the site.

Cummings, of course, denies ever making the statement, calling the claim “defamatory (nói xấu, phỉ báng).” But let’s dispense with the formalities. Does anybody really – really – believe that that wasn’t the first thought of Cummings and half the cabinet when confronted with an imminent contagion (sự lây, ảnh hưởng xấu) they understood was about to unravel a social and economic theory they have dedicated their entire political careers to turning into a mass cult? An economic theory from which — by happy coincidence — they derive their political power and class privilege.

South Fulton, Georgia Councilman khalid kamau prefers to be introduced simply as “Councilman khalid.” He wants to dispense with the formalities, and with all the barriers that are erected between elected officials and the people they serve. The veteran activist, who is in his second year as a young councilman, thinks a lot about how to change our politics and our governance. He examines and reexamines issues and social relations at every level—starting with his lower-case name, which he explains on his official website “comes from the Yoruba tradition where the community is emphasized over the individual.”

Ka Tina

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