“Drift with the tide” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Dmitry Bayer

“Drift with the tide” = cuốn theo triều dâng, xuôi theo dòng nước -> nghĩa là bị động trong việc đưa ra ý kiến/không có chính kiến của mình, theo quan điểm/quyết định của người khác.

Ví dụ
I would just drift with the tide
Nothing to do or decide
Breathing in and out
Wavering through days of doubt
I would just drift with the tide

This interview went on:
Participant: "That's if I go first. She may go first."
Sister: "Well, it's something we don't know, isn't it? Just can't say."
Participant: "That is the reason, my love, for just letting it drift with the tide."

The kindergarten still hasn’t informed us when it will release its admissions results, but my husband and I have already agreed we’ll take turns going with our daughter if she gets in. Sometimes it feels hypocritical (giả nhân giả nghĩa, đạo đức giả) to be so negative about the educational system when I’m up to my neck in it. But in this anxious city, full of uncertainties, I feel the same pressure as everyone else to drift with the tide. I just hope looking out for the health and happiness of my daughter won’t come at too great a cost to my own.

Ka Tina

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