Dị chưa

facebook hủy thử nghiệm sau khi 2 chương trình trí tuệ nhân tạo chat với nhau bằng ngôn ngữ chỉ chúng mới có thể hiểu được... (bài năm 2017)

The two chatbots came to create their own changes to English that made it easier for them to work – but which remained mysterious (kỳ bí) to the humans that supposedly look after them.

The bizarre (kỳ lạ) discussions (thảo luận, nói chuyện) came as Facebook challenged its chatbots to try and negotiate (thương lượng, đàm phán) with each other over a trade, attempting to swap hats, balls and books, each of which were given a certain value. But they quickly broke down as the robots appeared to chant at each other in a language that they each understood but which appears (dường như, có vẻ như) mostly incomprehensible (gần như không thể hiểu nổi) to humans.

The robots had been instructed to work out how to negotiate between themselves, and improve their bartering (trao đổi, hàng đổi hàng) as they went along. But they were not told to use comprehensible English, allowing them to create their own "shorthand",

Bài trước: Ăn mừng thôi
Tags: science

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