"Fall into your lap" nghĩa là gì?

"Fall into your lap" = rơi vào lòng -> nghĩa là tự dưng đạt được điều gì, không cần cố gắng.

Ví dụ
In essence, changing - or 'spoofing' - your location with an app such as a VPN will open up a world of new cities and streets for you to virtually (gần như) explore. Let's face it... what are the chances that there's a Lucario just loitering (lảng vảng) in your location? And a Mewtwo is hardly just going to fall into your lap.

When it comes to building a strong and successful business, this isn’t something that’s likely to just fall into your lap. Rather, you have to be proactive (chủ động giải quyết khó khăn) in going after what you want, and these three top tips are designed to help you do that. Put them into action today to create an enterprise (sự nghiệp) that goes from strength to strength.

Risk-takers know that success isn’t going to fall into your lap. Sometimes you have to hunt (săn tìm) for it. And in that chase, opportunities arise, those best waves, if you like, that may never have been found if they had waited.

You shouldn’t wait for signs (dấu hiệu) of child identity (nhận dạng) theft to fall into your lap, though—especially if you’re estranged from the child’s other parent or have a family member you think could be capable of such a crime. 

Ngọc Lân

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