"His elevator doesn't stop at all floors" nghĩa là gì?

Tầng 1 cũng không dừng à? Photo courtesy: masmad

"Someone's elevator doesn't stop at all floors/reach the top floor" = thang máy không dừng ở tất cả tầng/tầng cao nhất -> nghĩa là người đó không được thông minh hoặc tỉnh táo lắm.

Ví dụ
If he’s going to lick the socket (ổ điện), his elevator doesn’t stop at all floors.

Really. He's bat-flap crazy. Cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Round the bend. A complete and utter nutter (hoàn toàn điên loạn). A flaming lunatic (mất trí). He's every bit as crazy as Rorschach, they're actually flipsides of the same coin. He may be the smartest man in the world, but his elevator doesn't reach the top floor.

In the wake of a serial-killer escaping a mental hospital close to a small town, a grizzled (tóc hoa râm) police detective (Quezada – most memorably from Breaking Bad) is issuing personal pleas (yêu cầu) to the local residents to keep themselves locked up tightly for the trick-or-treating extravaganza (ngông cuồng). The killer’s name is Jasper (Zembrod), and it’s made crystal clear very early on that his elevator doesn’t reach the top floor.

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Bài trước: "Show him the door" nghĩa là gì?

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