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miếng lego rơi khỏi mũi đứa bé 7 tuổi sau 2 năm khu trú...

Seven-year-old Sameer Anwar of Dunedin, in the south of New Zealand, inserted (ấn) a tiny piece (miếng nhỏ/bé xíu) of Lego up his nose (mũi) in 2018. Sameer’s father, Mudassir, and his wife became alarmed (tá hỏa) when their son told them he had lost a piece of Lego up his nose, and couldn’t find it.

The concerned (lo lắng) parents took their son to the GP, who was also unable to find, or remove it. The doctor advised them the piece would move through their son’s digestive tract (ống tiêu hóa), if it had even been there in the first place.

With Sameer showing no signs of pain (đau đớn) or distress (đau khổ, đau đớn; cảnh túng quẫn, gieo neo), his parents soon forgot (quên) about the ordeal (sự thử thách, cách thử tội). “Since then he’s never complained (phàn nàn) or anything,” Anwar said, telling the Guardian his son was “quite playful (vui vẻ nô đùa) and a mischievous (tinh nghịch) character”.

...Then last night, the “unbelievable” (không thể tin nổi) happened Anwar said. A plate of pink cupcakes prompted his son to lean down and take a great big sniff of them.

Immediately, his nose began to hurt. Thinking he’d sniffed up some cake crumbs (mẩu vụn bánh), his mother helped him blow his nose, hoping to thoroughly clear his nostrils (lỗ mũi).

But instead of pink cake crumbs, out dropped a tiny piece of black Lego, covered in fungus (nấm).

Tags: kid


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