"On its last legs" nghĩa là gì?

"On its last legs" = ở giai đoạn cuối -> nghĩa là trong tình trạng cũ kĩ/tồi tàn, không thể dùng thêm được nữa.

Ví dụ
That nasty old COVID is still sneaking (lén lút) around, even though it’s on its last legs, so they want to make sure our residents and visitors stay safe. “The Other Donna” is so excited about the new things they have added or upgraded. We even had lunch in their “little cottage.”

Under the presidency of Chadli Bendjedid, it would - justifiably (chính đáng) or not - become the symbol of an organisation on its last legs, of a party declaring its willingness to embrace change but incapable of implementing (thực thi, thực hành) it. It sank for good when FLN-backed troops fired on protesters during the October 1988 riots. 

When China entered the war in October 1950, North Korea was on its last legs, but China didn't intervene (tham gia) in the war "at its own discretion," as some South Korean scholars had alleged. They should be aware that China entered the war upon an invitation from the North Korean government.

Human faeces all over the high street car park, dirty needles all over the place, ankle-deep rubbish (rác rưởi) behind Orchard car park, a town which on its last legs, drug addicts all over the stairs of the car parks, shops shutting everywhere, pathetic ideas of closing town, strangling the life out of this once vibrant glowing town - ideas that seem to come from the kindergarten for getting life back in to Taunton, the capital of Somerset.

Ngọc Lân

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