"See the red mist" nghĩa là gì?

"See the red mist" = nhìn màn sương đỏ -> nghĩa là trở nên rất tức giận, khiến có thể có những quyết định không đúng đắn/hợp lý.

Ví dụ
You could see the red mist coming down and he just wasn’t able to hide (giấu) it. We could tell what was coming and so we’d commandeer (trung dụng) all the knives. Gattuso would grab a fork and try to stick it in us.

However, make contact enough times with a particular opponent and that driver will see the red mist descend, declaring themselves your ‘Nemesis’ and becoming far more hostile (thù địch) around you. They’ll brake-check you if you’re following them, slam into your sides if you attempt to overtake and generally do the best they can to punt you off the circuit.

Mansell felt Senna had put him a position where he could have been “killed” and confronted him. “You can’t control [yourself] really when you see the red mist,” he recalled the incident (trường hợp) to Sky Sports decades later.

"You guys probably know better than I do that he's got that little streak in him where he can see the red mist at times," said Lambert. "I'll never curtail (cắt ngắn) that because he needs that in his game. I was happy he showed really good maturity staying on his feet. He played a good game."

Ngọc Lân

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