"Talk at cross purposes" nghĩa là gì?

"Talk at cross purposes" -> nghĩa là nói chuyện với nguời khác theo kiểu khiêu khích hay kéo dài mâu thuẫn/xung đột.

Ví dụ
Educators and business people tend to (có xu hướng) "talk at cross purposes" when it comes to creativity, said R. Keith Sawyer, a professor of educational innovations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the author of the 2019 book The Creative Classroom.

In my view, the fragmentation (vỡ ra) of culture in the postmodern era means that the progressives and theists have carved out subcultures for themselves, where crosscurrents and intellectual (học thức) exchanges are rare. More often than not, segments from these subcultures talk at cross purposes, each guarding its own narrative. It is for this reason that the ulema are often trying to convince their own target audience, for instance, by exhorting followers to attend the Friday prayer in even greater numbers.

Try to understand what a very agitated (xúc động) person wants to convey. Don't talk at cross-purposes. Focus on continuing to move out of restrictive circumstances in a systematic manner.

The path of the generational (thế hệ) collision (va chạm) is a well-trodden (thường xuyên) one, but Donoghue dances along it with customary lightness. Thrown together against their will, as the pair travel around Nice they clash, talk at cross-purposes and ultimately learn from one another – but Donoghue is far too wise to force them into an unearned happy ending.

Ngọc Lân

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