"The train has left the station" nghĩa là gì?

Tàu đã rời ga không thể quay đầu. Photo by Mark Plötz from Pexels

"The train (has) (just) left the station" = tàu vừa rời ga -> nghĩa là vụt mất cơ hội/khả năng/lựa chọn.

Ví dụ
“In the early days of COVID, some transactions got completed,” said Paul Reaumond, a vice chairman (phó chủ tịch) at CBRE. “Some renewals (gia hạn), expansions, new transactions, deals where the train had left the station—most of those folks went ahead and finalized the transactions. 

The most explicit (rõ ràng) warnings were made to Dobrynin. At the end of September, Kissinger called in the Soviet ambassador (đại sứ) to say that Moscow's lack of help on Vietnam made progress on arms control talks unlikely. As they were talking, Nixon telephoned, by prearrangement (sắp xếp trước). "The president just told me in that call," Kissinger said to Dobrynin, "that as far as Vietnam is concerned, the train has just left the station."

“The national economy is changing,” says Cathy Kunkel, who is seeking a congressional (quốc hội) seat in West Virginia’s Second District. “From a West Virginia perspective (quan điểm), we can’t change that. That train has left the station. We need to manage the transition that is now underway. I certainly understand the frustrations — that livelihoods are vanishing (biến mất). But if we refuse to change and keep saying no, no, no, we will get run over by this train.” 

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