"All is grist that comes to the mill" nghĩa là gì?

Mọi thành quả bạn gặt hái được hôm nay là nhờ những sự việc đã trải qua trong quá khứ. Photo by icon0.com from Pexels

"All is grist that comes to the/one's mill" = lúa nào cũng xay ra được -> nghĩa là những người bạn gặp gỡ, tất cả mọi chuyện bạn trải qua hoặc gặt hái được trong cuộc sống đều mang lại lợi ích/tác dụng nhất định. 

Ví dụ
All this is grist, that comes to the mill of the anti-vivisectionists (chống giải phẫu sinh thể) who disparage (miệt thị) the scientific gain flowing from experiments on animals with all their might, and who point to the sometimes most unfortunate mistakes, that were the result.

Will you send me any scrap-book (sổ lưu niệm) you have of my Father's newspaper-cuttings, and please keep turning over in your mind any way you can help me in collecting material; all is grist that comes to my mill and the more saturated (thấm nhuần) I am with the subject before I begin to write the better the work will be.

So much the worse for us all; so much the worse for Europe today, lying helpless under his spell, where he is vouchsafed (hạ cố) the role of the man of destiny and all - conquering (chế ngự) hero, and where, thanks to a combination of fantastic chances or mischances — everything is grist that comes to his mill, and he passes unopposed (vô đối) from one triumph to another.

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