Để học tiếng anh tốt

đừng để cuối tuần rồi mới học một buổi thật dài,

hãy học/thực hành chút ít mỗi ngày,

thỉnh thoảng bỏ một ngày trong tuần để xả hơi...
Dear Dan,

My wife is from the Netherlands, and we’ve talked about moving there someday. I’d like to start learning Dutch to prepare for this possibility, and I’ve bought some textbooks and recordings to help me practice. How should I approach the task? Is it better to study a small amount every day or to have longer sessions on the weekends?

Learning a new language is much harder for adults than for young children. It takes time and dedication (sự cống hiến, hiến dâng), but we can easily get discouraged when we feel we’re not making progress. My recommendation is to set yourself the goal of practicing every day, but allow yourself to skip one day each week. Research shows that building some “slack” (xả, trùng) into our goals helps them to seem more attainable (dễ đạt được). Just as important, it helps us not to feel like complete failures when we inevitably slip, making it easier to get back on schedule.

Tags: skill

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