Cách chọn rượu vang ngon phù hợp với mức tiền bạn có

nói với bồi là chỉ có 2 triệu cho cả rượu và tiền boa, xem bồi gợi ý rượu gì :D
Dear Dan,

I love eating out, including some wine with dinner—but I can't tell much difference between different bottles, and I never know which wine to order or how much to spend. When I ask waiters or sommeliers (người hầu rượu) for advice, they often give some flowery (văn hoa, hoa mỹ) descriptions about soil and accents of apricot, but these never help me figure out which wine pairs best with my meal. The whole wine-ordering business makes me feel incompetent and inadequate. Do you have any simple advice for how to order wine?

The first thing to realize when picking from a wine list is that you are in a battlefield. This is a battle for your wallet (cuộc chiến giành ví tiền)—a fight between the restaurant, whose interest is to get as much of your money as possible right now, and your savings account. The restaurant's owners have much more data than you do about how people make their wine decisions, and they also get to set up the menu in a way that gives them the upper hand.

In particular, restaurants know that people make relative decisions: If a place includes some very expensive wines on its list (say, bottles for $200 or more), customers are unlikely to order them, but their mere presence on the list will make a $70 bottle seem much more reasonable.

Restaurants also know that many of us are cheap—but we don't want to seem cheap, which means that almost no one orders the cheapest wine on the menu. The wine of choice for cheapskates is the second-cheapest wine on the list.

Finally, the restaurants have another weapon in their arsenal: waiters and sommeliers who add to our feelings of inadequacy and confusion and, in the haze of our decision-making, can easily push us toward more expensive wines.

Now that you are starting to think about ordering wine as a battle, or maybe a game of chess, you can think ahead. Perhaps decide in advance to spend up to a certain amount of money on wine. Or tell the waiter that you have a religious rule against spending more than a set sum on wine and ask for a recommendation that would fit within your boundaries.

And if you really want to strike back, inform the waiter that you have allocated a total of $50 for the tip and wine combined—so the more you spend on wine, the less you will leave for a tip. Now let's see what they recommend.

Bài trước: Tôi mời
Tags: beer

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