CSGT Hà Lan nâng cao nghiệp vụ công tác

giấu camera trong toalet di động để bắt người vi phạm tốc độ :D
The police have started hiding traffic cameras in portable toilets across the Netherlands. This system - using a so-called Dixiflits, an amalgamation (sự pha trộn, trộn lẫn) of the Dutch words for portable toilet (dixi) and traffic camera (flits) - was apparently used for the first time back in 2019 near Almere. To make the seemingly randomly-placed toilet look less conspicuous (dễ thấy, đáng chú ý), police placed it on a trailer (xe mooc) hooked onto a van.

A little unconventional perhaps, but undoubtedly effective. 

...Other unconventional yet successful methods used by police to catch speeders in the act include hiding cameras in wheelie bins, advertising pillars (cột biển quảng cáo), and a variety of inconspicuous cars, vans, and trailers. 

Tags: funny


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