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các biện pháp giảm thiểu lây lan đại dịch covid-19 dấn tới hàng tháng trời giảm nhiễu động địa chấn tới 50%...
Human activity causes vibrations that propagate into the ground as high-frequency seismic (địa chấn) waves. Measures to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread changes in human activity, leading to a months-long reduction in seismic noise of up to 50%. The 2020 seismic noise quiet period is the longest and most prominent global anthropogenic (môn nguồn gốc loài người) seismic noise reduction on record. While the reduction is strongest at surface seismometers in populated areas, this seismic quiescence extends for many kilometers radially and hundreds of meters in depth. This provides an opportunity to detect subtle signals from subsurface seismic sources that would have been concealed in noisier times and to benchmark sources of anthropogenic noise. A strong correlation (mối tương quan) between seismic noise and independent measurements of human mobility suggests that seismology provides an absolute, real-time estimate of population dynamics.

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