"He that is down need fear no fall" nghĩa là gì?

"He that is down need fear no fall" = người gục ngã thì không sợ thất bại -> nghĩa là người đã từng trải nếu có gặp khó khăn sẽ không bất ngờ, hoảng sợ.

Ví dụ
John Bunyan, the great allegorist (nhà ngụ ngôn) who lived in the 17th Century wrote: “He that is down need fear no fall; He that is low, no pride.” Nigerians are already on a low level, and therefore cannot be drawn into any fear of being dragged down by a plague (dịch bệnh).

Let me end that all these happenings are possible because we the people have refused to hold leadership accountable (chịu trách nhiệm), we are as always divided even in expectation, and feeling good about government, which in itself is like looking on the bright side of catastrophe (thảm họa), when we quit looking on the bright side the catastrophe is still there, if this is the next level, a tumble (vấp) on the stairs is inevitable, but in Nigeria the saying that he that is down need fear no fall is appropriate but for how long—Only time will tell.

Charles Spurgeon based his speech one night on: “He that is down need fear no fall, he that is low no pride… I am content (bằng lòng) with what I have, little be it or much; And, Lord, contentment still I crave, because thou savest such.”

Ngọc Lân

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