"It was ever thus" nghĩa là gì?

Vẫn luôn như vậy từ khi dịch bùng. Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

"It was ever thus" = vẫn luôn là như vậy -> nghĩa là vẫn luôn diễn ra theo cách này, điều này vẫn luôn là sự thật.

Ví dụ
So, Gladys and Daryl, eh. As in the girly swot, goody-two-shoes NSW premier and her secret love affair (chuyện tình bí mật) with Daryl Maguire, a man of dubious (mơ hồ) morality (đạo đức) with his side hustle of bags of cash and unsavoury mates. Yet in terms of the tropes of love, well, it was ever thus – the narrative of the strong, independent-minded woman brought low by a lesser mortal, a man she fell hard for and was forever stained by. 

It was ever thus. In December 1946, a year after the end of the Second World War, with rationing (chế độ phân phối) still very much a fact of life in the UK, American Vogue published its Christmas issue.

The few people who have defended Mr Johnson’s list have done so on the grounds that it was ever thus. Every prime minister comes into office promising to reform the Lords only to end up treating it as a patronage (bảo trợ) pissoir. 

I understand why the feature was introduced, especially in the age of the multi-episodic (nhiều tập phim) binge watch. And I have no problem with a lot of people wanting to skip credits – it was ever thus with home viewing. But I do have a problem with having to “opt-in” to watch something that is often an integral piece of a complete artistic vision.

Ngọc Lân

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