“Labor under the delusion of" nghĩa là gì?

“Labor under the delusion of/that" = lao động dưới sự ảo tưởng -> nghĩa là sống, làm việc và hoạt động theo niềm tư hư ảo/không thực tế.

Ví dụ
People tend to labor under the delusion that if they suddenly became rich, or if they were born wealthy, then that would solve or prevent all their problems.

Many of these pastors labor under the delusion that all they have to do is come out against the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and this gives them the moral high ground. They deliberately ignore the unprecedented and extreme moral depravity (đồi bại đạo đức) they see in the White House with endless falsehoods (sai lầm) and rationalizations (sự hợp lý hóa). Such well-known pastors as Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, and Pat Robertson are big-time liars to claim that they are followers of Christ.

My self-discovery probably might not seem relevant to your upcoming decision, but I hope it conveys that the seeming immensity of your choice is enormous only in appearance. The idea that where you go to college is the first step in some long-term strategy is erroneous (sai sót). Plans change … and they change again, and again, and again. I don’t want to labor under the delusion that my career plan is written in ink, because doing so may blind me from other opportunities that come up in the next few years. Any certainty you may feel right now (or think you ought to feel right now) might not be true, and that shouldn’t induce fear — it should actually do the opposite. It should assure you that even though this decision will close some doors, walking through one of them will open a new set of doors that you couldn’t even have imagined. Planning every single door that you need to go through is impossible, and choosing one door over another isn’t going to derail your life. So, how do you decide which door to enter?

Ka Tina

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