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cấy gene người vào bào thai khỉ -> não chúng to hơn...
In an experiment (thí nghiệm) that could portend (báo trước, điềm báo) a real-life Planet of the Apes situation, scientists spliced human genes into the fetus of a monkey to substantially increase the size of the primate’s brain. And it worked.

Researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany and Japan’s Central Institute for Experimental Animals introduced a specifically human gene, ARHGAP11B, into the fetus (bào thai) of a common marmoset monkey, causing the enlargement (mở rộng, tăng lên, khuếch trương) of its brain’s neocortex.

Bài trước: Như trong phim
Tags: science

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