"Stick at nothing" nghĩa là gì?

Joe Biden, người nước Mỹ muốn. Photo by The Review Univ. of Delaware

"Stick at nothing" = không bấu víu điều gì -> nghĩa là sẵn sàng làm mọi cách, không từ thủ đoạn nào để thực hiện nhiệm vụ/mục tiêu.

Ví dụ
Republicans will stick at nothing to stay in power. This gross (trắng trợn) use of power is wrong. The American people have spoken, and they want Joe Biden to lead.

The SSC of MSU-GSC actively listens to the needs of the students. SSC has initiated (khởi xướng) a call for an Academic Break. We will stick at nothing to aid the students in the challenges presented by the new learning environment. SSC stands with the students and for the students, always.

I can't, and won't, believe it myself. But even if it should be true, I am quite sure you will find a way out of it for us. I will stick at nothing, and Miss Silvester (as you will see by her letter) will stick at nothing either, to set things right. Of course, I have not said one word to my darling Blanche, who is quite happy, and suspects (nghi ngờ) nothing. 

The Duke (Công tước) of Orleans was, just then, extremely jealous of the Count (Bá tước) de Melfort; and the Lieutenant (Trung úy) of the Police told the King, he had strong reasons for believing that the Duke would stick at nothing to rid himself of this gallant (dũng cảm), and that he thought it his duty to give the Count notice, that he ought to be upon his guard. 

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