"There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians" nghĩa là gì?

"There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians" = quá nhiều tù trưởng nhưng ít da đỏ -> nghĩa là có nhiều người muốn lãnh đạo nhưng ít người làm việc. 

Ví dụ
We all know that phrase which says that sometimes “There are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians,” don’t we? Well, here is one of those situations that needs a little work so viewers can get the information they need, because too many Chiefs can put a weathercast (dự báo thời tiết) viewer on the warpath.

There are “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” in the fire services, the Sinn Féin ardfheis has been told as delegates (đại biểu) voted in favour of an all-Ireland fire authority. On the second day of the national conference at the Convention Centre in Dublin, a Bray, Co Wicklow delegate told the ardfheis that one in every four euro spent on the fire service went on administration and bureaucracy (thủ tục hành chính)  and the creation of a national authority could save €70 million.

“As they say, there are too many chiefs, and not enough Indians,” Brotherton said. When a question was put to all the candidates, asking how they would support the fire services in their respective roles, Toepper suggested the PUD could help facilitate (làm dễ dàng) communication during emergency responses, and even put out calls outside of emergencies, to encourage more volunteerism at the fire stations.

"Where there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians you cannot have a tribe (bộ tộc), so there can be only one chief," Smith, a former MP for South West St Ann declared.

Ngọc Lân

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