"There is no such animal" nghĩa là gì?

Chỉ còn trong sách vở mà thôi. Photo by Adam Mathieu on Unsplash

"There is no such animal" = chẳng có con nào như thế cả -> nghĩa là điều đó không có thật. 

Ví dụ
The allegations (viện lý) were "a complete surprise" to the band, but "it still made you think about 'Well, what if this were to happen?'," he said to USA Today. "'Is there something to make people feel they've got someone to tell or someplace to go if there was some weirdness in the workplace?' There is no such animal. Yes, there's the cops and there's management, and that should be enough."

The mom says when she explained to the counselor and principal that her daughter is transgender (chuyển giới), the principal asked her for medical proof. “Instead of apologizing and correcting the behavior, they asked for medical proof that my daughter is transgender. There is no such animal as medical proof,” said Mehojah.

There is no such animal as “reverse racism”. Racism is as basic (cơ bản) as it ever can be, the recognition of one group as being superior to another. To select an applicant on the basis of ethnicity over competence is about as low as you can go.
He looked and looked, and finally decreed (ra lệnh), 'There is no such animal.' According to science, RNA viruses also shouldn't exist, but they do, and we have known them in the form of the SARS and MERS viruses. We knew there would be more. At BATM, we prepared for this."

Ngọc Lân

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