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hình sự hóa lao động tình dục khiến gia tăng bệnh truyền nhiễm ở tỷ lệ gần 60%, giảm thu nhập, ko có tiền đóng học phí cho con...
We examine the impact of criminalizing (hình sự hóa) sex work (lao động tình dục), exploiting (khai thác, tận dụng) an event in which local officials unexpectedly criminalized sex work in one district in East Java, Indonesia, but not in neighboring districts. We collect data from female sex workers and their clients before and after the change. We find that criminalization increases sexually transmitted infections (bệnh truyền nhiễm lây qua đường tình dục) among female sex workers by 58 percent, measured by biological tests. This is driven by decreased condom access (giảm việc tiếp cận và sử dụng bao cao su) and use. We also find evidence that criminalization decreases earnings (giảm thu nhập) among women who left sex work due to criminalization, and decreases their ability to meet their children’s school expenses (học phí) while increasing the likelihood that children begin working to supplement household income. While criminalization has the potential to improve population STI outcomes if the market shrinks permanently, we show that five years post-criminalization the market has rebounded and the probability of STI transmission within the general population is likely to have increased.

That is from a new NBER working paper by Lisa Cameron, Jennifer Seager, and Manisha Shah.

Bài trước: Bỏ mẹ rồi
Tags: sex

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