Cố làm gì

nghiên cứu năm 2016 cho thấy, dù ăn và tập theo chế độ đúng như 20-30 năm trước, thì thanh niên ngày nay vẫn 10% béo hơn so với thanh niên ngày xưa...

có thể do "phơi nhiễm" với nhiều hóa chất gây tăng cân, sử dụng thuốc kê đơn nhiều hơn...
...First, people are exposed to more chemicals that might be weight-gain inducing. Pesticides (thuốc trừ sâu), flame retardants, and the substances in food packaging (đóng gói thực phẩm) might all be altering our hormonal processes and tweaking the way our bodies put on and maintain weight.

Second, the use of prescription drugs (thuốc kê đơn) has risen dramatically since the ‘70s and ‘80s. Prozac, the first blockbuster SSRI, came out in 1988. Antidepressants are now one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the U.S., and many of them have been linked to weight gain.

Finally, Kuk and the other study authors think that the microbiomes of Americans might have somehow changed between the 1980s and now. It’s well known that some types of gut bacteria make a person more prone to weight gain and obesity. Americans are eating more meat than they were a few decades ago, and many animal products are treated with hormones and antibiotics in order to promote growth. All that meat might be changing gut bacteria in ways that are subtle, at first, but add up over time. Kuk believes the proliferation of artificial sweeteners could also be playing a role.

Bài trước: Nơi cuối cùng
Tags: health


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